Resources70 [UniProt Challenge] Key words sequence alignment, sequence-profile alignment, profile-profile alignment, phylogeny, sequence properties, physicochemical properties, predicted properties, protein interactions, gene expression, mass spectrometry, genetic interactions, protein structure, literature, genomic context, synteny, structure alignment, comparative model, predicted protein structure, denovo prediction, machine learning.. Resources/Personal Projects 2022. 7. 10. [UniProt Challenge] Reference 1. Protein - LBS prediction tools Exploring the computational methods for protein-ligand binding site prediction - ScienceDirect Exploring the computational methods for protein-ligand binding site prediction Proteins participate in various essential processes in vivo via interactions with other molecules. Identifying the residues participating in these int… 2. Protein model.. Resources/Personal Projects 2022. 7. 6. [UniProt Challenge] 1. Kick-off meeting 7/1 에 킥오프 미팅이 있었다. 줌으로 진행했고, 영국시간으로 진행해서 나는 녹화본으로 진행했다. Resources/Personal Projects 2022. 7. 4. [UniProt Challenge] 0. Start 올해 초였던가, EMBL 페이지를 보다가 UniProt Metal Binding Site Challenge 를 한다는 말을 들어서 신청했었다. 될까? 라는 생각으로 신청을 했는데, 약 5개월 후인 어제 kick-off meeting 이 7월 1일로 정해졌다며 메일이 왔다. 구글 문서로 motivation, goal, data 등을 제공 받았고, 7월 1일부터 스타트해서 연말까지 성능을 제출하는 것이 Round 1 이다. EMBL Uniprot metal binding site prediction challenge 는 총 2 round 로 진행이 되는데, Round 1 : 전체적인 성능 제출, 모델 비교 후 최상위 성능의 프로그램을 고르고, Round 2 : Round 1 에서 뽑힌 프로그램을 튜닝 / 저.. Resources/Personal Projects 2022. 6. 28. 6월 4주차 Data Tales: Unlikely Plots with Plotly | by Vanessa Ongodi Onyema | | Jun, 2022 | Medium Data Tales: Unlikely Plots with Plotly In my article about the unlikely plots used for data analysis, I mentioned some plots that we can use for data analysis. The Plotly library… Grab and Use These Four Useful Seaborn Visualization Templates | by Mintao Wei | Jun, 2022 | Towards Data.. Resources/Weekly reading list 2022. 6. 21. 6월 3주차 The Importance of Theory in Data Science | by Harrison Hoffman | Jun, 2022 | Towards Data Science The Importance of Theory in Data Science Four examples illustrating why it’s crucial for a data scientist to know what they’re doing Little Known Pandas Features. We’ll cover some features you might not… | by Alper Ersin Balcı | May, 2022 | Medium Little Known Pandas Features .. Resources/Weekly reading list 2022. 6. 14. 6월 2주차 Traditional statistical methods often out-perform machine learning methods for time-series forecasts | LinkedIn All about Python — 100 + Code Snippets, Tricks, Concepts and Important Modules | by Senthil E | Towards Data Science All about Python — 100 + Code Snippets, Tricks, Concepts and Important Modules Python is the most popular language as of now. It is used heavily in all fields from websi.. Resources/Weekly reading list 2022. 6. 7. 5월 5주차 ; 6월 1주차 Explainable AI: Unfold the Blackbox | by Charu Makhijani | May, 2022 | Towards Data Science Explainable AI: Unfold the Blackbox Build trust in machine learning with XAI, Guide to SHAP & SHapley Values How to add explainability to your machine learning project | by Othmane Jebbari | Margo Analytics | May, 2022 | Medium How to add explainability to your machine learning proj.. Resources/Weekly reading list 2022. 6. 7. 5월 4주차 reading list Monkeying with DALL-E. Generative Art Storytelling | by Harsha Angeri | May, 2022 | Towards Data Science Monkeying with Dall-E Generative Art Storytelling MLOps in 10 Minutes. How MLOps helps across all stages of ML… | by Alexey Grigorev | May, 2022 | Towards Data Science MLOps in 10 Minutes How MLOps helps across all stages of ML project Understand .. Resources/Weekly reading list 2022. 5. 27. HCLS Summit Korea 2022 2일동안 진행한 행사. 첫날은 회사에 있어서 듣지 못했고, 주말에 유튜브로 들었다. 영상은 여기. First day 서울대병원 + NVIDIA에서 주최한 Healthcare + AI 세미나 . 들은 것 대략 정리한 내용 ( 내가 관심있는 분야만 정리해봄. ) Medical AI 가 어디로 향하는가? Medical AI 분야의 trend : 3가지 정도. - Clinical trial 을 통한 validation 이 이루어지고 있음 : 상용화를 염두에 둔 모델들이 개발되고 있음 - 사람이 하던 형태와 다른 practice 를 개발하려는 process 들이 이루어지고 있음. - Biomarker. ** Clinical validation 이 훨씬 더 중요하다. 이것이 AI 가 의료 영역에 쓰이게 될 때, 중.. Resources/Classes 2022. 5. 8. 이전 1 ··· 3 4 5 6 다음