이번 주 논문들45 6월 3주차 Longitudinal monitoring of disease burden and response using ctDNA from dried blood spots in xenograft models (embopress.org) Signatures of copy number alterations in human cancer | Nature Signatures of copy number alterations in human cancer - Nature A new framework enables a pan-cancer reference set of copy number signatures derived from allele-specific profiles from different experimental ass.. 이번 주 논문들 2022. 6. 17. 6월 2주차 automated multi-modal graph-based pipeline for mouse genetic discovery | Bioinformatics | Oxford Academic (oup.com) Statistical and Machine Learning forecasting methods: Concerns and ways forward | PLOS ONE Structural basis of GABA reuptake inhibition | Nature Structure of cytoplasmic ring of nuclear pore complex by integrative cryo-EM and AlphaFold (science.org) Challenges and potential solutio.. 이번 주 논문들 2022. 6. 7. 5월 5주차 ; 6월 1주차 ColabFold: making protein folding accessible to all | Nature Methods Mapping the developing human immune system across organs (science.org) DIRECT-NET: An efficient method to discover cis-regulatory elements and construct regulatory networks from single-cell multiomics data (science.org) A systems biology approach identifies candidate drugs to reduce mortality in severely ill patients with COVID.. 이번 주 논문들 2022. 6. 3. 5월 4주차 1. Algorithm-based care versus usual care for the early recognition and management of complications after pancreatic resection in the Netherlands: an open-label, nationwide, stepped-wedge cluster-randomised trial - The Lancet 2. Universal antigen encoding of T cell activation from high-dimensional cytokine dynamics (science.org) 3. Machine learning-based prediction of relapse in rheumatoid arthr.. 이번 주 논문들 2022. 5. 27. 5월 3주차 1. Neoantigen quality predicts immunoediting in survivors of pancreatic cancer | Nature 2. People construct simplified mental representations to plan | Nature 3. Single-cell eQTL models reveal dynamic T cell state dependence of disease loci | Nature 4. A natural mutator allele shapes mutation spectrum variation in mice | Nature 5. A knowledge graph to interpret clinical proteomics data | Nature .. 이번 주 논문들 2022. 5. 20. 5월 2주차 이번 주는 genetics 에서 논문을 많이 고른 편이다. 확실히 sequence-based DL method 로 biological 한 것들을 예측하는 것이 많이 나오는 것 같긴 하다. 작년인가, 올해 초에도 Nat comm. 에 DNA sequence 만으로 NGS 의 depth 예측하는 논문 을 본 적이 있는데, 거기도 모델 학습시킨 데이터라던가, 접근이 좋았던 기억이 난다. 1. The tumor microenvironment (cell.com) 이번 주 첫 논문. 나온지 조금 된 논문이긴 하다만, Tumor microenvironment(TME) 에 대한 지식이 많이 없어서, 읽어 보았다. 교수님 말씀에 따르면, 최근 cancer research 는 tumor 주변에 분포하는 stromal ce.. 이번 주 논문들 2022. 5. 14. 5월 1주차 1. Nonlinear mechanics of human mitotic chromosomes | Nature Nonlinear mechanics of human mitotic chromosomes - Nature A method that uses a combination of optical trapping, fluorescence microscopy and microfluidics to analyse the internal structure of chromosomes shows that there is a distinct nonlinear stiffening of the chromosome in response to tension. www.nature.com condensin + TOP2A gene 에 .. 이번 주 논문들 2022. 5. 8. 4월 4주차 1. β-Hydroxybutyrate suppresses colorectal cancer | Nature Here we identify a metabolite signalling pathway that provides actionable insights towards this goal. We perform a dietary screen in autochthonous animal models of CRC and find that ketogenic diets exhibit a strong tumour-inhibitory effect. These properties of ketogenic diets are recapitulated by the ketone body β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), .. 이번 주 논문들 2022. 5. 1. 4월 3주차 1. Chemical reprogramming of human somatic cells to pluripotent stem cells | Nature chemical stimulation by exposure to small molecules offers an alternative approach that can manipulate cell fate in a simple and highly controllable manner8,9,10. However, human somatic cells are refractory to chemical stimulation owing to their stable epigenome2,11,12 and reduced plasticity13,14; Here we demonst.. 이번 주 논문들 2022. 4. 30. 이전 1 2 3 4 다음